Travel Guide My Home In Quiberon Get to know My Home In Quiberon

Guided tours of cultural places

Life is an infinite learning that has allowed so many people to go beyond the expectations of others. If Quiberon is a municipality which is perfectly suited for sport and relaxation, it is also a perfect place to learn and have a minimum of knowledge about the history and culture of Morbihan. To help you find out more about this area, the tourist office offers guided tours.

When talking about sightseeing, monuments are the first places that come to mind. If you wish to have an insight  of an impressive architecture, the cultural and historical heritage of Quiberon will not fail to amaze you. Taking a singular place and standing at a particular place, the Château de Turpault was built in 1904 and is a proud representative of the Anglo-medieval era. You can also visit some chapels, such as that of Notre-Dame de Fleur, the chapel of Saint-Clément or this of Saint-Barde.

During your getaway, you can for example go through the Heritage House of Quiberon. Your guide will offer you the details about prehistory and the history of the peninsula. Speaking of the past of the town, the Vendée Chouannerie museum brings you back to the years 1992 to 1815 by means of military figurines, weapons and documents of that time which are still preserved there.

And of course, a cultural visit would not be one without going through famous places such as the megaliths of Kerbourg, where you can see the menhirs of Kerbourgnec, commonly known as cromlec'h. The place is currently classified as historical monuments and this, since 1989. You can also visit the Tumulus of Rondossec, which are diagonals corresponding to the axes levers and sunsets at the moments of the solstices. A place that you really don’t have to miss!

Therefore, if you want to know an important part of the history of Southern Brittany, Quiberon is the perfect destination.
