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The Museum of Wars of Vendée

Situated in the former town hall of Cholet, place Travot, in the olden days, the Museum of Wars of Vendée moved in 1993 in new larger modern premises, on the edge of the Monk.

The space devoted to local history, mainly during the revolutionary period, revolves around a large rotunda on the walls of which are exposed the famous portraits of the Vendean generals. The very rich collections of the Museum also include many paintings, weapons, documents, flags, statues, etc. on the Wars of Vendée, from the insurrection of 1793 to the uprising of the Duchess of Berry in 1832.

This place is to be reserved for those who are passionate about the period of wars in Quiberon: French Revolution and bloody period of the wars of Vendée. Here the party is taken: the republicans are the "bad guys" and the royalists the good ones. Robespierrists, go on your way! Otherwise you will find a lot of objects and testimonies of this troubled time.

Former chapel became Museum of Local History and Wars of Vendée ideally located in a Mecca of the Wars of Vendée in St Florent the Old. Close to the Loire, the historic center, the site of the abbey and the panorama.

The story of St-Florent-le-Vieil, it is the monastic peace and also the war against the Bretons, the Vikings and the conventions in 1793. Its museum makes memory of this glorious past.

Near the secular Abbey and the panorama of the Loire, the museum contains in five rooms of an old chapel memories of the eventful history of St Florent-le-Vieil: the Neolithic, the Roman Era, 80 years occupation by the Vikings, the Fortress of Anjou against Brittany, the Wars of Vendée which St-Florent-le-Vieil was a high place and finally the history of the Abbey.

In addition to these historical testimonies, you will find many collections, models of Loire boats, iconography of the Loire, folk objects of local life in the nineteenth century (headdresses, clothing, tools ...).

For those who are passionate about history, the Museum of Local History and Wars of Vendée opens its doors, for a free or guided visit, on a rich collection of objects from different periods ...

Close to the secular Abbey and the panorama of the Loire, the Museum contains in 5 rooms of an old chapel memories of the eventful history of St Florent-le-Vieil: the Neolithic, the Roman Era, 80 years Viking occupation, the Place Forte de l'Anjou against Brittany, the Wars of Vendée of which St-Florent-le-Vieil was a high place, the History of the Abbey. In addition to these historical testimonies, birds from the Loire and the Region, models of Loire boats and folklore objects of local life in the 19th century (headdresses, clothing, tools ...) are also on display.
