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The Turpault Castle

Situated at the tip of Beg er Lann or also known as the famous tip of the Lande, the castle Turpault reveals the entrance of the Wild Coast in Quiberon. This illustrious manor is of Anglo-medieval style and was built in the years 1904 by a Cholet spinner named Georges Turpault. He later named this castle by the sea by his own name.

Being still a private site, the castle Turpault is not visited, however, any visitor knows its reputation and does not deprive itself of a small visit around the building to make some photos.

The Château Turpault is a sort of emblematic site of the peninsula of Quiberon located on a fairly green beach that faces a sea sometimes abrupt and aggressive. During stormy seasons, the waves crash on the windows of the third floor while the sand sinks into the sand.

A thousand times photographed, a thousand times published in books, shot from all angles, there is not a postcard of Quiberon where the massive silhouette of the castle Turpault is not appearing. On a side note: an aficionado of places sent, one day, a torn page of a Swedish newspaper where one saw the house illustrating an advertisement. Symbolizing success, a bank made the promise of an acquisition of this status to who would become their client. Guarantee of success! Of course, the Richards were never warned or paid by the bank ...

Every day, Ferdinand finds in his mailbox drawings, paintings, sketches and photos of the domain sent from all over the world by visiting admirers. The imposing castle hung at the tip of Beg er Lann intrigues for a hundred years. Failing to enter, you can still buy... a postcard for memory.
